by mrock | Oct 22, 2017 | photo
We appreciate our employees every day, but once a year we give some extra recognition to those on our team celebrating milestones within Alameda County. This year we cheered for our peers at an island-themed ice cream social. Open 2017 Employee Appreciation Day...
by mrock | Oct 22, 2017 | photo
We rang out 2017 with our annual Holiday Party – complete with tons of amazing desserts made by the team! Open 2017 Holiday Party Album
by mrock | Oct 22, 2016 | photo
The Stone Soup Food Drive gives ITD the opportunity to show that we care about our communities. In 2016, ITD donated over 2000 pounds of food and nearly $3000 in cash during the annual food drive. Donations went to the Alameda County Community Food Bank. Check out the...
by mrock | Oct 22, 2016 | photo
We wrapped up 2016 with a fun and festive Holiday party in our future workspace. Check out these photos of the food, games, and smiles! Open 2016 Holiday Party Album
by mrock | Oct 22, 2016 | photo
Every year, we celebrate the many people who contribute to making ITD a great place to work and thrive. For our 2016 Employee Appreciation Day, we enjoyed a Star Wars themed ice cream social and cheered on our peers as they were recognized for 5, 10, even 45-year...
by mrock | Oct 22, 2016 | photo
In 2016, the various teams within our department won several awards for the time and effort they dedicated to making Alameda County a great place to work and live. We celebrated their many achievements with a potluck luncheon. Open 2016 Employee Awards Potluck...