by mrock | Oct 22, 2017 | photo
Photos of our new headquarters before renovation began. Open 2017 New ITD HQ Before Renovation Album
by mrock | Oct 22, 2017 | photo
We appreciate our employees every day, but once a year we give some extra recognition to those on our team celebrating milestones within Alameda County. This year we cheered for our peers at an island-themed ice cream social. Open 2017 Employee Appreciation Day...
by mrock | Oct 22, 2017 | photo
We rang out 2017 with our annual Holiday Party – complete with tons of amazing desserts made by the team! Open 2017 Holiday Party Album
by mrock | Oct 19, 2017 | awards
The Public Technology Institute (PTI) has awarded Alameda County a 2017 Technology Solutions Awards for our initiatives that leverage technology to make local government operations more efficient, enhance service to the community and save taxpayer dollars. The winners...
by mrock | Oct 19, 2017 | awards
The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered. Alameda County is proud that...